Views of the Cross
Views of the Cross was originally written for Easter Worship at First Baptist Church, Tucker, Georgia. Our arts ministry—First Fruits Ministry—determined that we would do something different from the usual Easter music. Views of the Cross was the result.
I wrote a series of readings, our Music Minister Peggy Ray pulled appropriate music from our library, and Joe Turner wrote a new piano and flute setting for When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. The instrumental ensemble, the dance group, and the children’s choirs all participated. It was indeed a different sort of service. One that we prayed would give a new and more intimate view of the pillar of our faith: the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
As we read the Easter story, we forget that these were real people watching the death of our Savior, without the benefit of 2000 years of hindsight. We forget that the figure dragging the cross through the streets of Jerusalem was—to them—not a historical figure, but a man, beaten and blooded. But, just as Good Friday leads to Ressurection Sunday, their understanding goes from wonder to realization to worship, each from his or her particular point of view.
For those who want to do the readings with music (as we did), I’ve included the complete program here; however, you might find music in your library that you find more suitable.
If you choose to use Views of the Cross for your Easter worship, I pray that it will bring you and your church closer to the Cross.