Books by Chuck Holmes

The SingSister Bessie thinks it's high time her choir got into The Sing, but it's 1956 and a lot of people disagree.

More Than Just Cellular and Other Musings on Life Past Present and Eternal—More than 60 essays on almost as many different subjects.

The World Beyond the Window and Other Stories—A half-dozen stories on how we deal with the world around us, our faith, and how it all comes together.

Essential Worship: Drawing Closer to God—A plan for removing the obstacles between us and God and drawing closer to Him by making our every action our worship.

Click on the title to learn more about the book. 


Photography is a wonderful thing. It allows people who can't draw to be visually artistic. It stops time at important moments. And it lets you make really nice birthday and anniversary presents. If you define the word broadly enough, I can say that I have been a professional photographer; that is, people have paid me to shoot. However, I've known enough really good photographers to know my place. 

 A few of my pictures are here, most of them shot digitally and recently. Click on any link that appeals to you:  Nature (mostly from Linda's garden), People, Places and Things and Barrett's Portfolio, pictures shot by my grandson and the only claim I can lay to them is some sort of genetic persuasion.